Exclusive Discord channel for OG holders
Hello OG Community,
With great enthusiasm, we announce the creation of our exclusive channel on Discord, designed for holders of Amulets and Talismans NFTs (OG Voodoo Collection).

We would like to take this opportunity to explain in detail how the channel will function and NFT holder, can actively engage in discussions and decisions related to The Dolls.
Channel Objective: Active and Collaborative Participation
The primary goal of this exclusive channel is to invite all holders of Amulets and Talismans NFTs to actively participate in discussions about the project. We aim to build an engaged and collaborative community where every voice counts and every opinion is valued.
Exclusive Access for NFT Holders
This channel is exclusively for holders of Amulets and Talismans NFTs. It’s their space to directly connect with the team behind the project and other members of the OG community.
Channel Operation: “Decision Realm” channel
Occasional Openings:
The “Decision Realm” channel, on Discord, will only be open on specific occasions, such as important votes or when the team wishes to hear the opinion of the OG community on a relevant topic.
We will use Clarity DAO platform technology for the voting process. However, until Clarity DAO enables project accesses, we will start voting through Typeform.
Consultative and Deliberative Votes:
During channel openings, OG community will have the opportunity to participate in votes categorized as “consultative” or “deliberative”.
- Consultative Votes: The results of these votes will be used to guide team decisions. While they don’t have final decision-making power, these votes are crucial for understanding community sentiment.
- Deliberative Votes: The results of these votes will determine the approval or rejection of specific proposals. This is particularly important when it comes to changes in the benefits structure associated with OG NFTs.
Submitting Proposals for Voting
The active participation is crucial in shaping the project’s future! Ideas, suggestions, or proposals can be submit to the community for voting, follow these steps:
Open a ticket in the designated suggestion channel.
- Clearly and concisely detail proposal. The more information provide, the easier it will be for other members to understand and evaluate the idea.
- The team will review submitted suggestions, and those meeting the criteria will be included in upcoming votes.
Evolutionary Nature of Guidelines
We understand that evolution is constant. The channel’s guidelines are not static and may be adjusted over time to better meet the needs of the OG community and the project as a whole.
The existence of the exclusive channel does not constitute institutional governance (the governance structure will be built in the future), but rather a space for the active participation and collaborative shaping of the project’s future.
We look forward to seeing productive discussions and creative ideas arise in exclusive channel. Together, we will build a strong and vibrant project!
Thank you for being a part of the OG Community!
Join us!
Linktr: https://linktr.ee/thedollscardano
Website: https://www.thedolls.io/
Discord: Join now
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TheDollsCardano